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Workshelf™ Office Desk | Three H

Alan Desk Workshelf Private Office Three H

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The design team extended the notion of working with a primary power-beam by building creative storage and open access components within additional shelving above the core beam. The stacking and layering of Workshelf individual and shared storage modules within the two-inch shelves is a signature element of the product line. The cantilever and open asymmetrical shelves offer freedom to place items and objects in an orderly but creative fashion. Workshelf storage includes: cabinetry with lock options is a personal spot to secure laptops, phones, tablets etc.; storage cabinets can be arranged in a shared fashion with the option of four new colorful acrylic fascia; book and binder slots offer arms reach flexibility; paper trays are a nod to the in-out baskets of traditional offices and smoked acrylic privacy dividers offer a handsome design touch.
Each feature has been developed within a set of standardized components making it easy to specify. The ability to arrange them in various and shared configurations make it highly personalized and uniquely functional for a variety of work tasks. The result is an architecturally engaging workplace that adapts to the ever-evolving needs of individuals.

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